Welcome to Charleston Chiropractic Center, your Chiropractor in Mount Pleasant, SC. We are committed to helping you maintain your health and wellness through conservative, drug-free care of spinal problems, neck pain and headaches. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible health care.
Welcome to the Mount Pleasant Chiropractic website.
Welcome to the Mount Pleasant Chiropractic website. We are a chiropractor serving the Mount Pleasant, SC area. If you have been suffering from back pain or neck pain, we can help you!
We provide gentle and effective chiropractic care for adults, children and infants with a wide range of health issues such as: headaches/migraines; sports injuries; whiplash related disorders; sciatica (leg pain); carpal tunnel syndrome; neck pain/stiffness/tension headaches etc…
If you are unsure about whether or not Chiropractic treatment is right for you please call us at 843-971-5338 so we can answer any questions that may be on your mind before scheduling an appointment with one of our doctors today!
Our goal is to provide you with the best possible health care.
Our goal is to provide you with the best possible health care. To do this, we must first understand what chiropractic is and why it has been so successful in helping people live healthier lives.
We believe that the spine plays a central role in human function and overall health. Your nervous system controls everything from your heart rate to digestion, as well as all other body functions such as respiration and reproduction. If there are problems within this system due to poor posture or vertebral misalignment (subluxation), then it can negatively impact all other systems of the body including musculoskeletal, cardiovascular/pulmonary function, digestive tract performance etc.. This creates an imbalance which could lead to pain or illness if left untreated over time!
Our goal is not only treating symptoms by relieving pain but also restoring proper alignment using specific adjustments based upon each patient’s unique needs so they may achieve optimal wellness through proper spinal function again!
We are committed to helping you maintain your health and wellness through conservative, drug free care of spinal problems, neck pain and headaches.
We are committed to helping you maintain your health and wellness through conservative, drug free care of spinal problems, neck pain and headaches.
Chiropractors are doctors of Chiropractic Medicine whose primary focus is the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, ligaments). This includes the spinal column in our neck or low back region; arms/shoulders/wrists; legs/feet ankles.
Chiropractors use a variety of techniques such as manipulation (adjustments) massage therapy exercise prescription homeopathic medicine nutritional counseling physical rehabilitation etc., depending on what is needed for each individual patient’s condition. Chiropractors do not prescribe drugs but may recommend natural supplements such as vitamins minerals herbs etc., if needed.
chiropractor mount pleasant sc
Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine.
[1] manipulates bones and other tissues of the body to improve health. Chiropractors believe that interference with or damage to these neurological connections can cause pain, disease and/or mental illness.
[2] D.D Palmer founded chiropractic in 1895[4][5] after he claimed to have restored the hearing of a deaf janitor by manipulating his spine.
Visit to Charleston Chiropractic Center, the Chiropractor Mount Pleasant SC is a great resource for your health care needs. If you are dealing with back pain, neck pain or headaches and want to find some relief, then we can help you find the right treatment plan that works best for your situation. Our goal is to get people back on track so they can live their lives without worrying about their health issues holding them back from doing what they want to do! Schedule an Appoinment Today. 843-971-5338.
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