Even though the pandemic has slowed down as well as businesses are getting back on their track, it is known that WFH will continue to stay. The latest research note said the pandemic forced most of us to go through a period of uncertainty regarding the sustainability of remote working to finally realize that it is a viable option along with emerged the concept of Hybridisation of the workplace.
The vast majority of IT companies have stepped up to provide healthcare as well as vaccination drives for their employees as well as extended to their families too. While goodwill is one reason for these drives along with social efforts, at this juncture one can rule out the fact that the drives could be opportunistic advantages to smoothen out vaccine processes as well as get employees back to the office campus.
Cybersecurity risks while working from home have been looming large while employees took to remote at the onset of the pandemic. While no major event has been reported yet by the tech industry, the risk is out there and large. This is a big concern for both the IT companies and the clients that they serve. Many clients have very stringent data security and privacy clauses and those that are to be mended to accommodate work from home.
Co-working spaces
With the prospect of more workforce and office workers taking up remote or flexible work practices, building occupancy rates may decrease in the short term but a few segments such as co-working and flexible spaces are going to be the main demand driver in the commercial and real estate segment, it said.
Developers and corporations have to work in tandem to address the needs of the hybrid work culture through the augmentation of existing infrastructure. Smaller cities are becoming an attractive investment option for both customers and investors.
Work Near Home
Following the WFH popularity, there is a new work pattern that is being explored now. It is called ‘Work Near Home’.
“As we all reimagine the future of work, the paradigms of remote and hybrid work for employees and employers are being explored – Work Near Home is turning into reality,” the note added.
Hybrid models
Traditionally, the IT and ITeS sectors have been the first movers in experimenting with hybrid models a decade back and since then they had created a robust policy framework to support the workforce.
Other sectors are gradually adapting to hybrid models as a post-pandemic strategy, it added.
Downside of WFH
Though the WFH is increasingly becoming an acceptable mode of working, the downside of it is that there is a lack of organizational structure, team-building activities, collaboration, interaction, and motivation leading to employee burnout, loneliness, and mental health issues.
This has led to exploring new models of hybrid and collaborative working environment that strikes the right balance between working place and time as well as fosters a healthy interpersonal relationship between employee and employers.

To sum it up
Companies are now preparing their offices for the safe entry of employees over the coming months. Many companies are making it completely voluntary for their employees and business units to decide if they want to work from the office or work from home.
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